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Where is PCS used?

Examples include, but are not limited to the following:


Pharmaceutical Development

PCS facilitates decentralised clinical trials, where biological samples such as blood or urine can be collected at a location of the patients choosing, such as at home, or a local Pharmacy, in addition to, or rather than a clinical facility.


Physician-Led Healthcare

Empowering patients by enabling the collection of diagnostic and treatment-related samples in convenient locations, such as their own homes, rather than requiring them to visit a clinical facility for traditional methods like venepuncture.


Consumer-Led Healthcare

Empowering individuals to obtain high quality clinical measurements at a time, location and frequency that suits them.



Enabling performance monitoring and drug testing in sport through convenient low-volume sample collection for rapid analysis and obtaining results.

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Public Health

Governments and health systems offer community health and wellness programmes as well as occasionally needing to monitor their populations for infections, toxic contamination, etc., to ensure public safety, promote early intervention, and effectively manage potential outbreaks or public health crises.

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