PCSIG Event - Patient Centric Sampling - What it is and how its implementation may be of benefit for biobanking? The PCSIG poster and workshop introduced participants to patient centric sampling as a means of collecting human biological samples as an alternative to standard phlebotomy. They highlight the technologies that are available for this approach, how they might benefit biobanking and what the challenges are for their use. An approach is also presented for adding internal standards to dried blood samples prior to collection for improved quantitative performance. The events took place as part of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA (5-6 November 2024).
PCSIG / PBSS Event - Patient Centric Blood Sampling for Facilitating De-Centralized Clinical Trials: Implications for ClinOps, PK / ClinPharm, Bioanalytical and Biomarkers PBSS and PCSIG ran a joint digital event on 17th October 2024. The event was hosted by Robyn Rourick (Genentech) and Neil Spooner (PCSIG). A range of speakers presented their thoughts on the challenges and successes for implementation of patient centric blood sampling approaches for pharmaceutical clinical trials. The speakers were Neil Spooner (PCSIG), Mitch Johnson (Veloxity Labs), Katty Wan (Pfizer), Sally Fischer (Genentech), Brian Booth (FDA), Jeff Silverman (Edgewise Therapeutics) and Jeff Plomley (Altasciences). Follow the link to the recording of the event on the PCSIG YouTube Channel